Yukteshwar Kumar
Dr Yukteshwar Kumar - Senior Lecturer (Teaching)Yukteshwar is a Senior Lecturer (Teaching) in the Department of Politics, Languages & International Studies.
Details about the roles and careers of members of staff, as well as their contact information.
Yukteshwar is a Senior Lecturer (Teaching) in the Department of Politics, Languages & International Studies.
Yvetta’s main research focuses on consumer decision making applied to branding and charitable giving, the effect of marketing on society and marketing ethics.
Yvonne is a Professor of Criminology in the Department of Social & Policy Sciences.
Providing advice and guidance to academics on business-led research for the Faculty of Engineering and Design.
Zaineb researches the dynamics of the tobacco industry pricing and profits in response to taxation policies, with a focus on the EU Tobacco Tax Directive.
Zehra researches healthcare operations management, focusing on developing models under uncertainty that improve healthcare operations and global health systems.
Zeynep’s research interests range from taste to platforms to market systems, with a sociocultural focus.
Zeynep's research focuses on employee engagement, organisational commitment and human resource management.
Zhijin is a Senior Lecturer in aerospace engineering in the Department of Mechanical Engineering.
Zoe Burke is a teaching fellow in the Department of Biology & Biochemistry.