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University of Bath

Elaine Jackson-Praill SWC Strategic Communications and Engagement, Director's Executive Assistant

Staff Wellbeing Champion


I joined the University in August 2022. My role supports the Communications Department in all aspects − from finance and budgeting, diary and meeting support, event planning and lots more.

Wellbeing statement

Wellbeing is often put at the bottom of people’s priority list and I think it is so important to raise awareness of what support is out there and provide opportunities and space for people to focus on their wellbeing. Even a short walk in the middle of the day or a cup of tea and a chat away from the desk can provide real benefits. With hybrid working now the norm, I am keen to ensure that people continue to feel connected and part of a team through wellbeing activities and events.


Having grown up near the sea. I love being close to the water and over the last few years have enjoyed kayaking up and down the River Avon. I have also recently joined a samba drumming band. I'm by no means a natural drummer but it is fun and a great stress relief.

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