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Boosting engagement with feedback and development of employability skills with an ePortfolio

This learning and teaching innovation project was funded by the Teaching Development Fund (Seed) in 2021/22.

Project status

In progress


Project started on 1 Jul 2022

Project Leader: Dr Cressida Lyon, Biology & Biochemistry

This project, which was awarded funding by the Teaching Development Fund (TDF) Seed, aims to promote proactive engagement with feedback, a Feedback ePortfolio was piloted with first year Bioscience undergraduates in 21/22. The ePortfolio and associated workshops encouraged students to log feedback, find patterns, identify skills to develop, and locate the resources required to develop these skills.

An ePortfolio is an electronic filing system which allows students to log, reflect upon and make connections between different learning experiences. From the educator’s perspective, an ePortfolio provides a glimpse into student learning and reflection, and an opportunity to feedback on this process.

Feedback literacy and employability skills development are both key priorities in Higher Education.

In 22/23, the ePortfolio will be extended to include space to log the development of employability skills and evidence of these. Use of the ePortfolio will also include students from the Department of Health.

The output of the Feedback and Employability Skills ePortfolio project will be evaluated using questionnaires, focus groups, analysis of ePortfolio submissions and placement CVs.

TDF Seed will enable the success of this project by funding student co-creators to help with the redesign of the Feedback and Employability Skills ePortfolio, the evaluation and its analysis. It would also fund vouchers to incentivise student participation in the evaluation

Dr Lyon gave us a project update at Edufest 2023, the recording is available to view here and provided a evaluation report in August 2023