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Fictional narratives as a learning aid in mathematics

This learning and teaching innovation project was funded by the Teaching Development Fund (Shape) in 2023/24.



Project status

In progress


Project started on 1 Aug 2024

Project Leader: Mason Pember, Department of Mathematical Sciences

The project will use fictional narratives to promote key mathematics concepts. Using fictional narratives is a well demonstrated approach of communicating ideas, being utilised in disciplines such as sociology and anthropology.

The main output of the project will be a novella, designed to help develop understanding of the unit Group Theory. Told from multiple student perspectives, it will promote inclusivity whilst also highlighting current welfare issues. Kara Gnodde, author of "The Theory of (Not Quite) Everything", will oversee the writing aspects of the project.

The output will be printed and made available as an open access digital publication. Student involvement will include asking past and present students for their feedback. The current cohort will be encouraged to develop their own stories, supported by a workshop run by the project.

The project is due for completion September 2025.