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Milner Genomics Centre

The Milner Genomics Centre provides genome sequencing and analysis for evolution research.

Project status

In progress



We conduct rapid, competitively priced, genome sequencing, assembly and databasing/analysis, both collaboratively and as a service.

We collaborate with the public sector, academia and industry. We welcome opportunities to support your projects, offering expert advice and technical support.

Some examples of genomics projects within the Milner Centre for Evolution

Phase 1: Professor Samuel Sheppard joins the Milner Centre for Evolution

Samuel Sheppard is principal investigator on the UK Medical Research Council Cloud Infrastructure for Microbial Bioinformatics (MRC CLIMB) project. This collaboration between Bath, Warwick, Birmingham, Cardiff and Swansea Universities deploys world-leading cyber-infrastructure for microbial bioinformatics. They provide free cloud-based computing, storage, and analysis tools for academic microbiologists in the UK.

1st June 2016.

Phase 2: New MiSeq system

The Milner Genomics Centre is taking advantage of recent advances in Illumina's sequencing chemistry and buys a new MiSeq system to improve cycle times and complete projects at a fraction of the time and cost. This system encompasses paired-end sequencing and with the long read lengths (up to 300b paired-end) is particularly useful for sequencing bacterial genomes.

1 August 2016.

Phase 3: New equipment for automated sample processing

The Milner Genomics Centre purchases new equipment for automated sample processing and quick, reliable sample quality control (Agilent Tapestation 4200) and quantitative PCR amplification/data analysis (AriaMx Real-Time PCR System).

1 September 2016.

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