Two dimensional materials
We make and study 2D layered crystals down to single, atomically-thin layers; these can be manipulated in many ways to produce new phenomena.
Planned, ongoing, and completed research projects and campus and service improvements.
We make and study 2D layered crystals down to single, atomically-thin layers; these can be manipulated in many ways to produce new phenomena.
A project to deliver a modern publishing platform that allows the University to create, guide and publish content on different digital channels.
We are exploring how industry can dramatically reduce its greenhouse gases emissions by 2050, so helping the UK to meet its net-zero target.
Locating resource efficiency at the heart of future industrial strategy in the UK.
This research sought to understand the experiences of people bereaved through substance misuse and work with services to develop better responses.
A project to improve our understanding of the dynamics of wages before and after the recession and the prospects of a broad-based sustained wage recovery.
This learning and teaching innovation project was funded by the Teaching Development Fund (Seed) in 2023/24.
We developed a database of expertise on social policy in the MENA region for the UNICEF Middle East and North Africa (MENA) regional office.
The impact of entering the various Covid Alert Levels on the operations of the University.
This project is exploring how broadcasting media, through the SU radio station, can help students develop their language and intercultural awareness skills