The wellbeing, safety and health of all members of our community is a fundamental priority for the University, and these considerations are at the core of our plans. This aims to give our students and staff an indication of the way the University will operate under each UK Government alert level.
We understand that we’ve all experienced a great deal of uncertainty and change in the last few months. We are designing our plans to be as future-proof as possible, so we are agile enough to respond to any changes in government guidance, whilst enabling our students and staff to study and work in a supportive and welcoming environment.
5 - Lockdown begins
All learning online, with live interactive sessions and independent study
Only essential activity related to Covid-19 continues
Extra curricular activities
Online activity only
Sports Training Village and arts centre closed
Support for staff and students
Student Services and SU advice delivered online/by phone
Employee Assistance Programme for staff delivered online/by phone
Accommodation catering and retail
Student accommodation open for those who need it, in line with government advice
Take away food and campus shop open for essential services
Campus buildings and travel
Mostly closed, except essential services
Minimal bus services, with social distancing measures
Working arrangements
Most staff working from home/remotely
Essential operational staff delivering services on campus e.g. security and catering
4 - Strict social distancing (any 'local lockdowns' may be at this level)
All learning online, with live interactive sessions and independent study (there may be some exceptional cases)
Initiation and maintenance of such funded and critical research as can be sustained under strict social distancing, including associated PGR student activity
Extra curricular activities
Online activity only
Sports Training Village and arts centre closed (there may be exceptional cases e.g. some elite sports where government rules allow)
Support for staff and students
Student Services and SU advice delivered online/by phone
Employee Assistance Programme for staff delivered online/by phone
Accommodation catering and retail
Student accommodation open for those who need it, in line with government advice
Take away food and campus shop open for essential services
Campus buildings and travel
Mostly closed, except required services
Bus services available but likely to be reduced service with social distancing measures
Working arrangements
Most staff working from home/remotely
Essential operational staff delivering services on campus e.g. security and catering
3 - Gradual relaxation of restrictions
Blended learning a mixture of in-person, live online interactive learning and independent study
Continued remote study for those who need to shield
Funded and critical research areas active, including the return of associated PGR students
Extra-curricular activities
In line with government guidelines, socially distanced in-person activity with small gatherings and some reopening of sports activity
Support and services for staff and students
Student Services and SU advice delivered both in person and online/by phone
Employee Assistance Programme for staff delivered online/by phone
In-person support as required
Accommodation, Catering and retail
Student accommodation open
Some food and drink outlets available and campus shop open
Campus buildings and travel
Gradual reopening of some services e.g. Library service, print service
Bus services available but with social distancing measures
Working Arrangements
Staff working on campus, including those in education and research
Those who are able to work at full capacity remotely to do so
Essential operational staff delivering services on campus e.g. security and catering
2 - Minimal social distancing, enhanced government tracing
Blended learning a mixture of in-person, live online interactive learning and independent study
Larger group sessions to resume when safe, following Covid-secure guidelines
Majority of research activities that require in-person access to facilities
Some activity involving human participants in research allowed
Extra-curricular activities
Opening up of wider social activities, including sports and gym
Support and services for staff and students
Student Services and SU advice delivered both in person and online/by phone
Employee Assistance Programme for staff delivered both in person and online/by phone
Accommodation, Catering and retail
Student accommodation open
Food outlets available, may have special measures in place
Campus shop open
Campus buildings and travel
Wider reopening of buildings on campus and in town
Bus services available, some social distancing measures still required
Working Arrangements
Some staff on campus, some working remotely
1 - No social distancing, Covid-19 no longer present in UK
More in-person learning and teaching to resume, retaining the best features of online delivery
Research activities phased back to normal levels of activity
Extra-curricular activities
Full range of extra-curricular activity available, with no social distancing required
Support and services for staff and students
Student Services, SU advice and support to staff operating normally, with both online and in person options available
Accommodation, Catering and retail
Accommodation, catering and retail outlets open as usual
Campus buildings and travel
Full range of University buildings open, bus routes return to normal levels with no social distancing