2019/20 Product Code Changes
Information about what changes have taken place to the Agresso Procurement product codes.
Documents and other files you can download.
Information about what changes have taken place to the Agresso Procurement product codes.
Instructions for logging in to your online Barclaycard account.
The buyer's guide details how to get approval to request agency workers (temporary staff) and the details on the contract in place if approval is received.
The agency worker (temporary staff) rate factsheet contains all the hourly rates for the different staff groups.
An Agresso guide to help advise on what is needed to order for home delivery.
This report highlights how we secure value for money on all bought-in goods, services, works and utilities for the University.
The form you need to approve a purchase or order of £10,000 or more.
A guide to set up a substitute when you are away from work. This will divert any shopping cart assigned to you to divert to a designated person.
Complete the bid evaluation document (BED) before making any purchase or series of purchases with a total spend between £10,000 and £40,000, including VAT.
Instructions on how to use the Blackwell's website via Marketplace to order books.