A Guide to Community Radio and Public Engagement with Research
Advice and guidance for public engagement professionals interested in community based on the key learning from FUTURES on Air.
Documents and other files you can download.
Advice and guidance for public engagement professionals interested in community based on the key learning from FUTURES on Air.
A co-produced support and information leaflet created as part of a public engagement with research project.
Findings from the external benchmarking research on participatory research and public and patient involvement.
A tool for supervisors of doctoral students to support their professional development in public engagement with research as part of the Viewpoint (2017) project
End of project report outlining the key findings and learning from ChallengeCPD@Bath.
Understanding the role public engagement professionals play in embedding a positive culture of public engagement with research at universities.
Project report from Black Families Education Support Group, one of the local organisations involved in Community Matters (2016-2018)
Project report from Creativity Works, one of the local organisations involved in Community Matters (2016-2018)
Evaluation findings from Community Matters (2016-2018), a project to to undertake community-based participatory research at the University of Bath.
Summary of Community Matters (2016-2018), a project to to undertake community-based participatory research at the University of Bath.