Confirmation of Acceptance of Studies (CAS) issuing procedure for current students
Details of the procedure for issue a Confirmation of Acceptance of Studies (CAS) to Student visa holders who are current students at the University.
Documents and other files you can download.
Details of the procedure for issue a Confirmation of Acceptance of Studies (CAS) to Student visa holders who are current students at the University.
Details of the procedure for issue a Confirmation of Acceptance of Studies (CAS) to Student visa holders who are new applicants to the University.
Guidance about Confirmation for the Supervision team, Directors of Studies, Internal Examiners and Doctoral College Staff.
Instructions on how to confirm a Marketplace order has been sent to a supplier in Agresso.
An IPR Research Summary about a research partnership between the Institute for Policy Research, BA&NES Council and the local Clinical Commissioning Group.
Safety arrangements for people carrying out construction and maintenance activities in laboratories, workshops and other high risk areas.
Complete this proposal form if you're an academic and want to provide consultancy work to businesses and organisations.
Submit a consultancy costing approval form to help you get your costing approved and see examples to help you complete the form.
Find out about providing Consultancy work to share your knowledge and expertise with external organisations.
This standard sets out the University's arrangements for consulting employees on health, safety and welfare issues.