Department of Social & Policy Sciences undergraduate course specification 2023/24
Detailed information for students about undergraduate social sciences courses in the Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences for the 2023/24 academic year.
Documents and other files you can download.
Detailed information for students about undergraduate social sciences courses in the Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences for the 2023/24 academic year.
Detailed information for students about undergraduate social sciences courses in the Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences for the 2024/25 academic year.
This checklist has been created by the Senior Academic Advisor Forum to help departments plan their academic advisor training.
Download this template to help you create an EDI action plan for your department.
The list of exchange coordinators in each department and information about how to contact them.
These documents provide a template that departments can use to describe and communicate their health and safety arrangements.
This year end form is for departments to inform the Finance Accounts team of the goods and services they have supplied and been paid for.
Download this quick and easy tool to understand where your department is on the EDI Maturity Model.
An overview of departments and how they support new researchers at the University of Bath.
Information for members of staff who wish to express interest in being nominated by the University to serve on the board of Designability.