Examiners Report Form – Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Report of the Examiners for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy
Documents and other files you can download.
Report of the Examiners for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy
Report of the Examiners for the Degree of Master of Philosophy (MPhil)
Report of the Examiners for the Degree of Master of Surgery / Doctor of Medicine (MS / MD)
An example of how to complete a NESA call off (blanket) purchase order, that allows more than one invoice and the information that should be included on the PO.
These research projects provide a flavour of what you could be doing in terms of a summer research project but other topics will be available.
This helps you to build your impact record in Pure, guiding you where to enter your associated research activities and outputs.
Recruitment brochures or microsites help amplify important job opportunities and showcase our reputation and benefits to prospective candidates.
Submit this form to request exemption from academic probation.
Tips and advice on exercise snacking from the University's Department for Health researchers Oly Perkin and Polly McGuigan.
This a checklist to guide line managers to identify work tasks that could pose significant risks to your pregnant employee and/or their unborn child(ren).