Fees and expenses form for external examiners of higher degrees exams
The form for external examiners of higher degrees exams to complete to claim fees and expenses.
Documents and other files you can download.
The form for external examiners of higher degrees exams to complete to claim fees and expenses.
Download our template to fill out your abstract for the Ferroelectrics UK and Ireland 2025 conference.
Reports summarising the development and delivery of the University of Bath's contribution to the ESRC Festival of Social Science.
Find out about the approach taken at the University of Bath to embed public engagement with research across the University.
Refer to the fieldwork safety standard and risk assessment to manage fieldwork safely.
Complete this form to submit one hard-bound copy and one electronic copy of your final thesis after examination.
All University staff are responsible for arranging a sanctions assessment where necessary to determine whether a person is subject to sanctions.
Our latest annual report and accounts, as well as financial statements and annual reports from previous years.
Terms and conditions for the Financial Support fund for the 2024/2025 academic year.
How to check where Purchase Card Transaction is in Workflow within Smartclient (Desktop) Agresso.