Guidance for academic staff on staff-student professional boundaries from the PBWG
Guidance developed by the Professional Boundaries Working Group to help academic staff develop and maintain professional boundaries with students.
Documents and other files you can download.
Guidance developed by the Professional Boundaries Working Group to help academic staff develop and maintain professional boundaries with students.
Amount and size guidance for luggage allowed on free coach service from London Heathrow to University of Bath.
This document has the status of guidance and is intended to be used as a reference for managers and countersignatories for Disclosure and Barring Service.
This document provides advice and guidance on managing legionella risk in departmental owned and maintained equipment.
Guidance process and objectives template for line managers.
A comprehensive guide on lasers.
Letters to research staff from NHS Research sites
Find information about the Recruitment & Admissions Policy and Procedures
Find out how to book or cancel your place on a course using ESS.
This guide describes how to organise an inclusive workshop based around collaborative research, rather than the traditional speaker-audience format.