Aircraft and Climate, the good, the bad and the downright difficult
Presentation slides from a webinar by Professor Dudley Shallcross on 19 March 2024.
Documents and other files you can download.
Presentation slides from a webinar by Professor Dudley Shallcross on 19 March 2024.
Our procedure for inquiring into allegations of misconduct in research and scholarship.
An IPR Report taking a detailed look at austerity following the financial crisis, and alternative interpretations of the UK economy.
A presentation given by Dr Jenny Cooper at the I-SEE seminar on 18 November 2014.
Ana's presentation from the 2019 Vice-Chancellor's Research Day.
This PhD opportunity is based at the Milner Centre for Evolution, a unique, cross-faculty research centre bridging biology, health and education.
To submit a paper to the University Executive Board you will need to download and complete the cover sheet.
Reports on our progress in meeting our carbon and sustainability targets.
This report highlights how we secure value for money on all bought-in goods, services, works and utilities for the University.
Key facts and figures, an overview of our finances and highlights of our achievements.