Guidance and tips for effective hybrid meetings
Tips to achieve a successful hybrid meeting for in-person and remote participants, including guidance for specific equipment.
Hybrid meetings are where there is a combination of:
- people within the same room (in-person)
- others who are joining remotely (such as via Microsoft Teams).
Top tips for effective hybrid meetings
There are several Top Tips you can apply to maximise participants' experiences and contributions during hybrid meetings, such as reducing echo, or ensuring everyone has an equal voice regardless of whether they are in-person or remote.
Review the Top Tips document at the bottom of the page to learn more. The tips are particularly recommended to anyone who chairs hybrid meetings, but you may wish to increase awareness by:
- displaying the Top Tips in your departmental meeting room(s)
- sharing the link to the Top Tips with participants in advance of your meeting.
Guidance for specific equipment
Some meeting rooms within the University have devices to assist hybrid meetings by making it easier to join, collaborate, and manage the audio and visual experience. For example the Microsoft Surface Hub is a large touch-screen device, which provides an all-in-one meeting platform. Use the Surface Hub Quick-Start and User Guides below to learn more.
To download these files, you must be connected to the University of Bath network or log in with your University username and password.