HPCBytes Newsletter March 2024
HPCBytes Research Computing Newsletter (March 2024): Research Highlight, Technical Content, HPC Updates and Tip of the Month
In March’s edition:
Research Highlight:
Decoding the Bordetella pertussis pangenome: Using Nimbus for Oxford Nanopore Sequence Basecalling and Genome Assemblies HPC User (Sarah) discusses her research on understanding the genomic variation and evolutionary response of Bordetella pertussis, the causative agent of whooping cough, to vaccination pressures. She successfully produced 200 high-quality genome assemblies of B. pertussis across a century by parallelizing basecalling on multiple GPU cards on Nimbus.
HPC Article Series:
Running Singularity Containerized Applications (CPU) Using Slurm Workload Manager on Nimbus
This article emphasizes the submission of batch jobs using slurm with code encapsulated within a container image. For demonstration, we will illustrate how a shared memory program (OpenMP) and a distributed memory (MPI) program are executed using Slurm scripts on Nimbus.