Objectives for lecturers on academic probation
Good practice examples and template forms you can use to set objectives with your probationary lecturers.
Documents and other files you can download.
Good practice examples and template forms you can use to set objectives with your probationary lecturers.
Use the guidance and template to set a Personal Action Plan for a member of your staff.
Before attending this course you will need to complete the following pre-work.
Use the form to provide an assessment on a candidate's application for promotion.
Complete the application form to apply for promotion to Professor.
Complete the application form to apply for promotion from Research Associate (grade 7) to Research Fellow (grade 8).
An extract from the CPER framework document on criteria used for promotion.
The SDPR forms depend on the reviewee's grade and job family.
The SDPR forms depend on the reviewee's grade and job family. These forms are for staff at grade 3 or above in the MSA job family.
The SDPR forms depend on the reviewee's grade and job family.