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Centre for 21st Century Public Health

Our research explores ground-breaking approaches to public health and sustainability to enable us to meet the unique challenges of the 21st century.

What is the Centre for 21st Century Public Health

Population health improvement requires action on commercial, political, economic and social determinants of health, engaging with the complexity of both the challenges and the responses to them.

Our Centre builds on the ground-breaking work of the Tobacco Control Research Group (TCRG) on the harmful products and practices of major corporations; and Bath’s novel approaches to research, policy and practice within complex systems to drive effective action on 21st century public health challenges.

Updates about our Centre

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Two bicyclists in a bicycle lane with a city skyline in the background.

Our research and people

Find out more about our research and the people who contribute to it.

News and research

The latest news and research from our Centre.

Study with us

Our members' research informs several courses taught by Bath's Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences, including:

Their research also influences many units taught at undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral levels across the Department for Health, Department of Social & Policy Sciences, Department of Economics, and the School of Management.

A aerial picture of the University of Bath's campus, including the lake and multiple buildings

About us

The Centre for 21st Century Public Health is part of the Department for Health.

Contact us

If you have any questions about our research, please contact us.