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Centre for Bioengineering & Biomedical Technologies

We address the grand challenges in human health and wellbeing through transdisciplinary and translatable bioengineering research.

Read about our recent inaugural internal CBio conference

What we're about in one minute

Meet Centre Director, Pedro Estrela, as he introduces our mission, values and the research we're doing.

Our community

Our Centre is home to academics, researchers and research students spanning the breadth and depth of bioengineering and technologies. As well as research focus, we support undergraduate students to successes in project work and team competitions.

Research pillars

Our research sits under three transdisciplinary pillars.

image of a glass globe of earth wrapped in a stethoscope

Sustainable healthcare

Close up of surgical gloved hands holding a lab on chip

Targeted and personalised intervention

3D rendering of DNA and active cells

Humans and the environment

Research stories

Find out more about the research we're doing in the Centre.


Find out about the research projects and grants we're working on.

Study with us

You could study a PhD with us or join our research community through a doctoral training centre.

About us

We are a diverse, collaborative and inclusive community delivering impact through innovation in the areas of targeted and personalised interventions, sustainable healthcare, and humans and the environment. We are bridging the gap between the different disciplines to develop technologies that address clinical, environmental and industrial needs.

Work with us

Please contact us with any questions about our research activity or find out about ways you can collaborate with us.