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Advanced Fabrication Facility

The AFF comprises two world-class facilities for the fabrication of optical fibres and the fabrication and manufacture of nano- and micro-scale structures.

Fibre Fabrication Facility

Our research-grade facility for making optical fibre. ​

Fibre Fabrication Facility

An optical fibre preform in the fabrication facility at Bath

Find out about how we use our optical fibre fabrication facility to make speciality optical fibre and how you can access the facility for your own work.

David Bullet Nanofabrication Facility

Our equipment can be used separately or in sequence to create micro- or nano-scale electronic or optical devices.

David Bullett Nanofabrication Facility

Some equipment in the David Bullett Nanofabrication Facility

We provide access and training on specialist equipment for micro-scale and nano-scale fabrication for University of Bath researchers and external organisations.

About us

The Advanced Fabrication Facility comprises two facilities: the David Bullet Nanofabrication Facility, which fabricates and manufactures nano- and micro-scale structures, and the Fibre Fabrication Facility, which fabricates optical fibres. Both technologies have a wide range of applications within research and industry.​

The Advanced Fabrication Facility Facility is part of the Research Infrastructure and Facilities service.


If you have any questions about either the Fibre Fabrication Facility or the David Bullet Nanofabrication Facility, please get in touch.