Applicants are sought from academia to advise the EPSRC on their research and training strategy, as members of the Strategic Advisory Teams (SATs).

The University of Bath has a strong reputation for its high-profile academic staff and rising-stars being selected on to the EPSRC SATs.

Professor Davide Mattia, Associate Dean for Research (Engineering), says:

“Contributing to the EPSRC Engineering SAT has been a rewarding experience: the organisation makes a genuine effort to listen to the advice of SAT members and is receptive to instances coming from the research community. I would definitely recommend applying for one of the open positions.”

Professor Jonathan Dawes, Director of the Bath Institute for Mathematical Innovation (IMI) says:

"I’ve found it a rewarding experience to contribute ideas and suggestions, to learn from the views of other expert colleagues, and to understand more about the organisation structure and constraints that the EPSRC Mathematical Sciences team work within on behalf of the academic community.”

SAT vacancies of interest to Bath include:

  • Engineering
  • Energy
  • Healthcare Technologies
  • e-Infrastructure

See the full list of specific vacancies, the application process and further information.

Further information on what it means to serve on the SAT.