In the spirit of National Cycling Week, why not switch up your commute to the office? On Wednesday 12 June an array of activities will be available for staff and students, and its not too late to join in!

Get involved

Join fellow colleagues and sign up to one of your pre-work commutes:

We also encourage those who'd prefer to walk, cycle or run to campus independently. Whether you are commuting in a group or individually remember to sign up for a FREE active travel breakfast!

Visit our stallholders

Your sustainable commuting journey doesn't need to stop after National Cycling Week, you can carry on this habit year round. The Climate Action Team has invited stallholders that can allow you to trial alternative commuting habits. You can get your bike serviced free of charge or test out an e-bike/e-scooter. There's something for everyone! Find out more about our stallholders.

Find support to get started

There are plenty of schemes available to staff members to enable you to commute sustainably to campus: