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University of Bath

Centre for Healthcare Innovation and Improvement (CHI²)

We are a multi-disciplinary centre at the University of Bath specialising in applied health research and consultancy.

Members of the centre work closely with health and social care managers and professionals, drawing on a wide range of research expertise, including:

  • operational research/management science
  • operations management
  • analytics
  • information systems
  • other quantitative and qualitative research methods and models
  • experience from different industries.

Our activities are supported by a number of experienced visiting and honorary staff, who provide invaluable clinical advice and insight in the workings of national and international health systems.


Research associates

Doctoral students affiliated with the Centre

  • Janet Ashby, Mainstreaming quality improvement in general practice in England
  • Zhening Liu, Operations management studies in the implementation and experience of telehealth
  • Savvas Morris, Investigating the dynamics between local hospital leaders and policy makers in the context of quality improvement initiatives: the case of radiotherapy service provision
  • Matthew Woodward (thesis submitted late 2023), Operational decision making in healthcare and decision support models
  • Marianna Liaskou (completed 2022), An exploration of the development and effect of collaboration between community pharmacists (CPs) and general practitioners (GPs)
  • Dr Therese Fish MBChB, DCM, MBA (completed 2021), The evolution of an interorganisational network in higher education in South Africa between a provincial health department and health sciences faculties
  • Elena Kasparis (completed 2020), Improving performance in humanitarian pharmaceutical donation supply chains: a study of the neglected tropical diseases preventative chemotherapy supply chain
  • Marianna Frangeskou (completed 2018), An exploration of standardised processes in a knowledge-intensive healthcare operation: Implementing the acute stroke care ‘pathway

Visiting and honorary

Selected recent MSc project students

  • Elizabeth Yardley, An application of process mining in healthcare: using electronic patient records to investigate mental health care pathway, in collaboration with Mayden
  • Marina Lopes Curi, How to apply an integrative model to improve a customer journey: A case study of a software development company, in collaboration with Mayden
  • Manon De Prez, Supporting capacity planning in community care through novel computer simulation models developed in R, in collaboration with BNSSG CCG
  • Panayiotis Nikakis, Optimising Healthcare Facilities Location through a Bi-Objective Efficiency-Equity Model, in collaboration with BNSSG CCG
  • Chun-Yu Lo, Time Series Forecasting of Clinical Activities to Support National Planning, in collaboration with NHS Improvement

Past members

  • Dr Gozdem Dural Selcuk
  • Dr Marianna Frangeskou
  • Dr Margaret Joan Greenwood
  • Dr Panagiotis Manolitzas
  • Dr Sian Smith-Lickess
  • Dr Neophytos (Neo) Stylianou