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University of Bath

Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences Learning, Teaching & Quality Committee

The Committee is responsible to the Board of Studies for matters about undergraduate and postgraduate learning, teaching, and quality assurance in the Faculty.

Full details of its responsibilities are available in the Committee's terms of reference.

Meeting dates 2024/25

  • 09th October 2024
  • 27th November 2024
  • 29th January 2025
  • 26th February 2025
  • 26th March 2025
  • 23rd April 2025
  • 04th June 2025



  • Dr Gail Forey, Chair (ex officio), Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences Associate Dean (Education)

Department Representatives

Head of Learning Partnerships Office (or nominee)

  • Dr Florin Bisset, Head of Learning Partnerships (alternate: Miss Maria Clutterbuck)

Student members


  • TBC


  • TBC

Students’ Union Sabbatical Officer

  • TBC

In attendance