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Department of Life Sciences


Discover how we're addressing the rapid rise of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and the challenges of emerging microbes with epidemic and pandemic potential.

Infection and antimicrobial resistance


Infection and antimicrobial resistance. Discover how we're addressing the rapid rise of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and the challenges of emerging microbes with epidemic and pandemic potential. ... In progress. Open-ended. We're addressing some of

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Department of Life Sciences research


Discover how we're addressing the rapid rise of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and the challenges of emerging microbes with epidemic and pandemic potential.

The new compound that destroys MRSA


Antibiotic resistance (or antimicrobial resistance – AMR) poses a major threat to human health around the world, and S. ... aureus has become one of the most notorious multidrug-resistant pathogens. A recent study looking back at the health effects of

Microbiome researchers in the Department of Life Sciences …


We use genomics data on multiple human and animal pathogens to address basic questions in population biology and evolution, and more public health-facing challenges regarding epidemiology and antimicrobial resistance (AMR). ... We analysed metagenomic

ED11919 Research Associate (fixed-term) - Jobs at Bath


This project will propel our understanding of microbial genome evolution, improve our ability to predict and manipulate the spread of antimicrobial resistance (AMR), and help to optimise the use of phages

Bath Beacon: Managing Antimicrobial Resistance in a…


The global rise of AMR is a result of complex and multifarious factors. ... Surveillance (clinical and environmental) and Genomics. Modelling AMR Transmission. Drug Discovery and Molecular Microbiology.

Infection and Immunity


Active projects include those focused on the molecular mechanisms underpinning microbial virulence and immune evasion, the origins and mechanisms of antimicrobial resistance (AMR), the adaptation of pathogens to hostile environments, ... Research areas

Thumbnail for Infection and Immunity