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University of Bath

Centre for Qualitative Research Members

View the membership of the Centre for Qualitative Research.

The Centre for Qualitative Research (henceforth, CQR or Centre) is a proactive, scholarly, and supportive platform for fostering Research, Training and Education, and Industry Collaboration and Consulting in qualitative research across the University.


Dr Ioannis Costas Batlle, Director

I am interested in the role of non-formal and informal education in young people’s lives, primarily focusing on charities, youth groups, youth sport, and young people not in education, employment or training. My qualitative expertise and interests involve: teaching qualitative research, thematic analysis, and a range of methods/methodologies including creative and child-based data collection methods, autoethnography, interviews and observations.

Dr Bryan Clift, Deputy Director

My research interests are: a) sport and physical activity in relation to contemporary urbanism; b) popular cultural practices and representations; c) qualitative inquiry. My expertise and interests in qualitative research are: the relationship between theory and method; teaching qualitative research; creative analytical practices; the politics of representation; and specific methods/methodologies such as interviews, focus groups, observations, textual analysis, ethnography, and memory work.

Dr Bonnie Pang, Deputy Director

My research focuses on Chinese diasporas in health and physical cultures through the lens of diversity, equity and inclusion, and the use of creative research methods. I am interested in ethnographic research methods and creative research methods (including arts-based methods, decolonisation methods, visual methods, digital methods).

Annayah Prosser, Deputy Director

My primary research interest concerns how individuals and groups respond to societal crises, such as the climate and ecological emergency. I explore how our group identities can both help and hinder societal transformations, and why some groups act in more prosocial and proenvironmental ways than others. I also explore how morality and ethics might influence group interactions and societal transformations.

Steering Committee

  • Professor Julie Barnett
  • Professor James Copestake - My research interests lie in international development theory and practice, particularly mechanisms for moving money to achieve non-commercial goals, and methodologies for evaluating their impact. I have expertise in the uses and abuses of qualitative and mixed methods for evaluating the impact of social and development interventions, with particular reference to the construction of causal contribution/attribution claims.
  • Dr Tess Legg
  • Dr Andrea Purdekova
  • Professor Juani Swart - My research is focused on human capital as a strategic resource, innovation and employee attitudes and behaviours. This research aims to understand the transfer of human capital into intellectual capital, thereby linking the intellectual capital, HRM and performance debates. Current research projects include (i) contemporary forms of working across boundaries; (ii) human capital reconfiguration (iii) virtual socialization, (iv) meaningful work and (v) commitment systems in professional services firms.
  • Professor Carol Taylor - My research interests include space, place, objects, materialities and affect; gender, power and knowledge in higher education; feminist transdisciplinarities; feminist praxis; student engagement practice and ethics; higher education transitions; un/disciplined academic writing practices. I have expertise in: posthumanist, feminist materialist and transdisciplinary theory, methodology and research practices; post-qualitative research and inquiry; and creative, sensory, and collaborative research practices.

University of Bath Affiliates

  • Professor Andrea Abbas
  • Dr Fran Amery
  • Ms Elisabeth Barratt Hacking
  • Dr Sarah Bloomfield
  • Dr Harry Bowles - My research interests focus on communities of practice related to sport, physical activity and education. More specifically, I'm interested in the contextual factors and mechanisms that shape young people's developmental experiences related to identity and life-course transitions. My expertise and interests in qualitative research are in ethnography and ethnographic representation and the principles and practices of research ethics
  • Dr Deborah Brewis
  • Professor Andrew Brown
  • Dr Ceri Brown
  • Dr Olivia Brown
  • Dr Anthony Bush - My research interests are: a) sport coaching and the power to impact lives positively and negatively; and, b) evaluating the impact of sport based interventions. My expertise and interests in qualitative research are: teaching qualitative research; (re)presenting qualitative research; research quality; specific methods/methodologies such as interviews (individual and group, structured and unstructured), observations and unfinished stories.
  • Dr Rita Chawla-Duggan
  • Dr Katharina Chudzikowski
  • Dr Aline Courtois
  • Professor Xiao Lan Curdt-Christiansen
  • Dr Brit Davidson
  • Professor Joe Devine
  • Mr Malek El-Qallali
  • Dr Alice Fabbri
  • Dr Gail Forey
  • Dr Jessica Francombe-Webb - My research focuses on health inequalities, particularly related to physical activity and physical culture more broadly. Informed by feminist theories and approaches, I explore the lived experiences of gender, sexuality, class, race, age and disability and (in)active subjectivities. My expertise and interest in qualitative methods are: participatory qualitative methods, visual methods, media analysis, creative representations of data (e.g. drawing, poetry, memory work), teaching qualitative methods, exploring mixed-methods and theory-method nexus.
  • Dr Alinka Gearon
  • Dr Fiona Gillison
  • Dr Sarah Glozer - My research examines corporate social responsibility (CSR) communication and the social and ethical implications of business and marketing practice, predominantly in a digital context. My expertise and interests in qualitative research relate to discourse and dialogical analysis; specific methods of interviews and social media analysis, interaction and observation; and the ethics of social media research.
  • Dr Stefanie Gustafsson - My research examines how individuals experience their work and careers, the professions, and organisations they are part of, using qualitative inquiry. My expertise and interests in qualitative research are: the relationship between theory and method; teaching qualitative research at postgraduate level; multimodal approaches and specific qualitative methods/methodologies such as interviews and participant drawings.
  • Professor Nancy Harding
  • Dr Sophia Hatzisavvidou - I am interested in the politics of climate change, political ideologies, as well as social movements. My expertise lie in the rhetorical analysis of political speech (broadly construed).
  • Dr Simon Hayhoe - My current work focuses on ageing, impairment and access to cultural heritage; visual impairment and visual culture; accessible and inclusive technologies for learning; disability arts; and, the philosophy and practice of methodology. My expertise and interests in qualitative research are the theory and practice of grounded theory, grounded methodology, emancipatory frameworks and participatory practice. I have published widely on these topics, and I am currently co-editor of the Routledge Focus series, Qualitative and Visual Methods in Educational Research.
  • Dr Ludovic Highman
  • Dr Timothy Hill
  • Dr Christina Horvath
  • Dr Abbie Jordan - My research interests focus on paediatric pain; (1) how living with pain impacts children, young people and their families and (2) the broader social context of paediatric pain and how it is understood and represented. My expertise and interests in qualitative research include: 1) use of novel methods of qualitative data collection (e.g. first person use of story completion), 2) textual analysis and 3) thinking about quality in qualitative research.
  • Dr Aliette Lambert
  • Dr Andrew Manley - My research interests centre on the deployment of a broad range of methodologies to investigate the city and issues of urbanism, place-making, cultural heritage and tourism experience. I have additional interest in examining human interaction and organisational culture with an emphasis on surveillance and social control. My work has been funded by the Jiangsu Provincial Government (PR, China), The Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) and The British Council. My expertise and interests in qualitative research are: specific methods/methodologies such as interviews, focus groups, observations and photovoice; teaching qualitative research; and conducting qualitative research in different cultural environments.
  • Dr Britta Matthes
  • Professor Pierre McDonagh
  • Dr Darragh McGee
  • Dr Shona McIntosh - My research*centres on social justice in the field of Education in national and international schools; the professional practice of teachers in schools and higher education; and parental engagement in learning. I am interested in experimental, experiential and immanent qualitative methodologies that can support decolonial research agendas and epistemic justice.
  • Dr Stephanie Merchant
  • Dr Aurelien Mondon - My research focuses predominantly on the impact of racism and populism on liberal democracies and the mainstreaming of far-right politics through elite discourse. My expertise and interests in qualitative research are in critical discourse analysis and theory.
  • Dr Haydn Morgan - My research coheres around the utility of sport and physical activity as an instrument to engage marginalised youth within employability and crime prevention projects. I am interested in teaching qualitative methods; specific (youth focussed) methods/methodologies; co-creation methods.
  • Dr Cathy Randle-Phillips
  • Professor Emma Rich
  • Dr Anna Roberts
  • Dr Santiago Sanchez
  • Dr Nicola Savvides
  • Professor Avi Shankar
  • Dr Gamila Shoib
  • Dr Paula Smith
  • Dr Annie Snelson-Powell
  • Dr Emma Solomon-Moore
  • Dr Lorna Stevens
  • Dr Meng Tian
  • Dr Jennifer Thomson - My research interests are a) gender and foreign policy, and particularly the concept of a 'feminist' foreign policy; b) the United Nation's Women, Peace and Security agenda; and c) sexual and reproductive health and rights in national and international policy-making. My expertise and interests in qualitative research are: content and (critical) discourse analysis; in-depth and interpretive interviews; process tracing; and the use of computer software for qualitative research, including nVivo.
  • Professor Christos Vasilakis
  • Dr Shaun Williams
  • Dr Sophie Whiting
  • Dr Kate Woodthorpe - My research interests are: funeral practices and costs; and family obligation and expectations at the end of life and post-death. My expertise and interest in qualitative research are interviews, ethnographic methods, and creative methods. I am also very interested in research ethics and integrity.
  • Dr Richard Hamshaw - My research interests are broadly based in social and health psychology, primarily in terms of social media’s influence on the way we feel about ourselves and how online communities function. My expertise and interests in qualitative research (and teaching) relate to the use of naturally occurring (often social media) data and how these sources can be analysed using more traditional qualitative approaches.
  • Dr Max Western
  • Dr Rachel Arnold
  • Professor Felia Allum - My research interests are organised crime, Italian mafias and gangs and their relationship with the State, civil society, the economy and political systems. At present, I am analysing the role of women in different organised crime groups. I have expertise in the uses/advantages/disadvantages of qualitative and mixed methods in studying/analysing society, in particular through the use of ethnographic interviews, participant observations and creative methods.
  • Dr Katharina Chudzikowski - I am interested in (1) exploring careers in a variety of contexts including professionals such as in the area of consultancy, academia etc. (2) changing work practices and new forms of work; and (3) qualitative inquiry. My expertise and interests in qualitative research are: the relationship between theory and method; teaching qualitative research; narrative approaches; using specific methods such as interviews, and (auto)ethnography.
  • Dr Sheree Bekker - My research is in the public health area of (sports) injury prevention and safety promotion. I have a special interest in sex/gender. My expertise and interests in qualitative research are: teaching qualitative research; specific methodologies/methods such as interviews, focus groups, document analysis; research ethics; implementation and knowledge translation. I also am a co-founder of the Qualitative Research in Sports Medicine special interest group.

External Affiliates