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University of Bath

Neuroscience network members

We are a group of researchers from the Faculty of Science and the Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences, as well as research teams in local hospitals.

At the University of Bath there is particular research strength in psychopharmacology, neurodegenerative diseases and pain.

  • Chris Ashwin
    Social cognitive neuroscience
  • Christopher Bailey
    Addiction; desensitization; opiates; synaptic plasticity; tolerance
  • Sarah Bailey
    Anxiety; depression; neurogenesis; retinoids; serotonin (5-HT)
  • Ian Blagbrough
    Gene therapy; glutamate; nAChR; siRNA delivery; stroke
  • Mark Brosnan
    Autism; endocrinology
  • David Brown
    Alzheimer's; glia; Neurodegeneration; Parkinson's; prion
  • Joanna Bryson
    Cognitive systems; complex systems; episodic memory; ethology (evolution of behaviour); systems neuroscience
  • Paul De Bank
    Biomaterials; regenerative medicine; tissue engineering
  • Chris Eccleston
    Attention; behaviour; disability; pain
  • Nigel Harris
    Ambulatory monitoring; autonomic function; event related potentials; pain; sensory testing
  • Momna Hejmadi
    Alzheimer's disease; apoptosis; HIF-1; Hypozia; stroke
  • Stephen Husbands
    CNS; drug abuse; medicinal chemistry; opioids; PET
  • Shobbir Hussain
    Synaptic plasticity; axon guidance; activity/cue-dependent mRNA translation; Fragile X Syndrome
  • Roland Jones
    Cortical networks' glutamate; epilepsy; GABA
  • Robert Kelsh
    Developmental biology; neural crest; pigment cells; stem cells; zebrafish
  • Edmund Keogh
    Anxiety; pain; sex differences
  • Alain Nogaret
    Experimental investigation of artificial spiking neurons; neural networks; Stochastic resonance
  • Sofia Pascu
    Bionanotechnology; cellular imaging; hypoxia imaging; nanomedicine; PET rediochemistry
  • Michael Proulx
    Psychological and neurological underpinnings of cognition; effect of visual impairment on cognition; comparative studies in animal models
  • Jenny Scott
    Addiction; harm reduction; pharmacy practice
  • Vasanta Subramanian
    Developmental genetics; embryonic and adult stem cells; neurodegenerrative disease
  • Rex Tyrrell
    Drug delivery; gene regulation; solar radiation biology; stress responses
  • Andrew Ward
    Alzheimer's; behaviour; genetics; genomic imprinting; mouse
  • Rob Williams
    Alzheimer's Disease; Neuroprotection; Glutamate Receptor Signalling; Dietary Antioxidants
  • Sue Wonnacott
    Nicotine and nicotine receptors