School of Management Advisory Board
The Advisory Board helps guide our development and strengthen links between the academic community and the public and private sectors.
Our members come from a variety of backgrounds, both from industry and the public sector. This helps ensure we have access to a range of expertise.
Members offer advice on issues like:
- executive development needs
- what businesses look for in graduates
- employability issues
- fundraising
- emerging technologies/business practices
- Sir Francis Richards - Former Director General GCHQ
Board members
- Rupert Baines - CEO, UltraSoC
- Steve Brammer - Dean, School of Management
- Matthew Kirk - International Affairs Adviser, Squire Patton Boggs
- Andrew Moss - Retired Executive
- David Sims - Former CEO, Zurich Life
- Marcelle Speller - Social Entrepreneur
- Michelle Tilley - Project Services Director, EDF Energy