Sustainability & Climate Action Steering Group
Responsible for over-seeing governance and implementation of the University of Bath Sustainability and Environment Policy and Climate Action Programmes.
Key responsibilites
- Overseeing the implementation of the Sustainability & Environment Policy
- Track and review progress against agreed targets and commitments and agree progress reports for University Executive Board (UEB) and Council
- Provide strategic guidance on prioritisation and direction of the sustainability and environment work
- Act as a critical friend to the sustainability and environment work, challenging proposed approaches and encouraging ambition
- Review recommendations for project and funding proposals for consideration by UEB/other
- Review and approve sustainability policies and plans
- Agree and review the work of sub-groups and task and finish groups
- Act as advocates for cohesive sustainability and environmental work across the University
- Review and approve the Annual Report prior to consideration by UEB and Council
- UEB Sponsor: Chief Operating Officer; Ghazwa Alwani-Starr
- Chair: Director of Sustainability; Richard Jackson
- Sustainability and Climate Action Team: Climate Action Project Lead; Peter Phelps
- Secretary: Climate Action Policy and Project Manager; Alexandra Heelis
- Learning & Teaching: Associate PVC Education; Momna Hejmadi
- Academic Experts:
- Department of Mechanical Engineering; Professor Marcelle McManus
- Department of Psychology; Professor Lorraine Whitmarsh
- Faculty of Engineering and Design Dean; Professor Tim Ibell
- Research: Director of Research Infrastructure and Facilities; Anneke Lubben
- Footprint:
- Director of Finance; Martin Williams
- Director of Campus Infrastructure; Dev Biddlecombe
- Planning, Performance and Strategic Change: Deputy Director (Portfolio Management); Laura Clapp
- Communications: Vice President (External Relations); Corinne Evans
- Student Experience: Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Student Experience); Cassie Wilson
- Trade Union representation: UCU Green representative; Sandhya Moise
- Student Representatives:
- Students' Union Activities Officer; David Lam
- Students' Union Chief Executive; Ryan Bird