Studying chemistry at Bath

In this video, students talk about why they chose chemisty, why they chose Bath and what they like about the course and campus.
Chemists study the synthesis, properties and structure of matter. You’ll learn how to make the substances we use every day, from molecules to materials.
In this video, students talk about why they chose chemisty, why they chose Bath and what they like about the course and campus.
Learn more about our chemistry courses, including entry requirements and course structure.
In this video, staff and students talk about what they love about chemistry and what career choices it can give you.
We know that a big part of visiting us is getting the chance to talk to students about their experience. Below you’ll find some other ways to find out what current students think about studying Chemistry here.
Watch this short video to find out about support available in the first year, including the Peer Mentor scheme.
Louise discusses why she chose to do a study year abroad and what she enjoyed about her year in Virginia.
Bath graduate Domenyk Turski was inspired to stay in academia after his third year undergraduate project showed the excitement of ground breaking research.
MChem student Ella Shilliday had the time of her life and found her passion for real world chemistry on her study year abroad.
All our courses offer the opportunity to go on a placement which could improve your employability. You could even earn a salary or work abroad.
MChem Chemistry student, Lewis talks about the benefits of going on placement and the support he's received during his time at work.
Chemistry student Max Robson maximised every opportunity during his year on placement at the Future Industries Institute in South Australia.
PhD student and Bath graduate Anna Kinsella, realised staying on for a PhD would open the door for her choice of a career in Chemistry patents.
Find out more about why a placement might be a good option and how they work.
Take advantage of our links with industry and apply for a science placement during your course. You could earn a salary and boost your career options.
Explore the campus and have a look around our labs.
Jack and Gabby, two final year chemistry students, take you on a tour of our undergraduate teaching labs in 3 South.
Two of our first year chemistry students take you on a 360 tour of campus from halls down to the chemistry department.
Bath student Eric Evans takes you on a tour of the main buildings and services on campus.
View our interactive 360 tour map and explore key locations on campus and in the historic city of Bath.
These videos from the Salters' Festival of Chemistry are designed to explain key topics in chemistry to secondary school age pupils. They were filmed here at Bath with our academics presenting each topic.
All about this relatively new branch of chemistry.
Find out all about using chemistry to improve our planet.
Find out all about the place where chemistry and pharmacology meet.
Find out about investigating and using the chemical nature of materials.
Using nanomaterials to develop a more sustainable world.
Exploring a highly topical application of chemistry.
Find out more about our community, applying to Bath and the support you'll get.