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Policy engagement: learning from others

Draw insights from University of Bath academics about how they have engaged with policymakers and contributed to policy impact.

Policymaker experiences

Learn more from external policymakers who have engaged with Bath researchers through the University's Policy Fellowship Programme.

Akriti Brady and policy engagement

Akriti Brady with IPR PFP background

Akriti is a senior policymaker in the Government of Ireland's Department of Transport. In 2024 she took part in the IPR's Net Zero Policy Fellowship Programme.

Dr Isabel Webb and policy engagement

Dr Isabel Webb, who took part in the IPR Policy Fellowship Programme in 2025.

Isabel is a senior policymaker in the Department of Science, Innovation and Technology. In 2025 she took part in the IPR's Policy Fellowship Programme.

Engaging with policymakers

Read about how University of Bath academics have engaged and informed policymakers with their research and contributed to policy impact.

Contributing to evidence informed policy change

Find out how Bath researchers are enabling evidence informed policy change with their research.

Dr Kit Yates and policy engagement

Kit Yates next to a web of graphics demonstrating his research and engagement activities.

From mathematical modelling about Covid-19, to sharing his research via media and social media, learn about Kit's experiences of engaging policymakers.

Dr Jo Daniels and policy engagement

Jo Daniels next to a web of graphics including: a survey, a roundtable, a presentation, Parliament, healthcare, and connections.

Whether presenting findings in Parliament, or taking a secondment within government, learn about how Jo Daniels has built policy engagement into her work.

PhD perspectives

Learn about how PhD researchers are engaging with policymakers and delivering policy impacts through their research.

Lois Player and policy engagement

Lois Player next to a web of graphics demonstrating his research and engagement activities

Throughout her PhD, Lois has been involved in numerous policy discussions about her research and also undertook a secondment with the Climate Change Committee.

Emily Rickard and policy engagement

Emily Rickard next to a web of graphics demonstrating her research and engagement activities

By submitting evidence, writing blog posts, and engaging with the media, Emily has successfully informed policy discussions and contributed to proposed reforms.