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Your student record

The information we hold about you, how it can be used to show you are or were a student, and how to make changes to it.


Access the student record system SAMIS to check the information on your student record, arrange self-service documentation and get your results.

Documentation about you

Get proof that you are a student, for general or Council Tax purposes, and obtain a copy of your academic transcript or record of assessment.

Get proof that you are a student

How we can help you confirm that you are a student at Bath, through a certified document or letter, or by generating your own student status certificate.

Council Tax

What to do if you're a student and you receive a Council Tax demand and how to contact us about a student's status if you are a Council Tax Officer.

Academic Transcripts

The information that is included on a University of Bath transcript and how to request one.

Keeping the information we hold about you up-to-date

Change the personal details on your student record, and learn more about your trusted contacts and how to keep them up-to-date.

Former students

Get a copy of your certificate and proof you studied here, and how to change your name, gender and pronouns as a former student.

Data protection and the information we hold about you

How we manage the information we hold about you, in line with data protection legislation.

Information for employers and other external organisations

How to verify that an individual is or was a student of the University.

Verify an award

How to arrange for a former student's award to be verified, or to request a reference.

Information for staff

Information for staff who administer student record information in SAMIS.

SAMIS Manuals

A Sharepoint site for staff, with manuals for the University's student records system, SAMIS.

Ask us more about your student record

How to contact us if you have a question about your student record.