All images placed on this site are copyright of Imaging Design &
Print, unless otherwise stated. If you wish to use any images published
here or in other University of Bath publications, please contact us on
Do not assume that if you have a copy of an image (i.e. you are holding
a print in you hand, or have that image digitally on a disk or hard drive
or in computer memory), that you have any right to publish, distribute
or manipulate it or use it unless you have explicit information from the
author / creator of that image.
If you wish to use any image you might see on any web site, publication,
article or magazine, it is worth noting these points:
I have seen an image I like on this / another website, can I download
this to my computer for my own use?
Yes, by the mere fact that you are viewing a website, your computer will
be storing any images you view in the cache memory. You can save images
to disc for your own viewing but it is an illegal act to copy, alter,
manipulate, distribute, publish or use without prior permission from the
copyright holder.
I only want to use a small section of an image, surely if I crop the image
no one will know what the original is or where it came from?
No. This would be counted as unlawful manipulation of an image and will
be an infringement of the creator's moral rights. Images can be digitally
watermarked and even a small section holds enough information for it to
be tracked and, should the copyright holder decide to sue, they would
have a very strong case against you.
Is it possible to use an image from another person's website if you acknowledge
where the image came from but have not asked permission from the author
/ creator?
It is illegal to copy photograph from another person's Website without
their permission. It makes no difference that you may have acknowledged
them as the creator of that material, you have still committed an illegal
act. This is a breach of their copyright and/or moral rights in that material.
If you would like to use a photograph from another person's Website,
you would have to gain permission (copyright clearance) to do so. This
means that you have to approach the Website owner and state explicitly
what photograph you would like to use and what precisely you would do
with it.
If permission was granted, you would only be able to use the material
as agreed. Any other use could be counted as an infringement.
For further information and a greater understanding of Copyright and how
it relates to you, images, material and the Internet please see pages
from the Technical Advisory Service for Images (TASI) website.