On Monday 17 July, the University awarded Brian Schofield with a posthumous honorary degree of Master of the University in recognition of his leadership and contribution to the University community.

Brian Schofield was Head of Security Services at the University of Bath for 14 years until his untimely death in 2019.

Professor James Davenport, from the Department of Computer Science, delivered the oration at the ceremony and Brian's wife, Sue Schofield, accepted the honorary degree.

Many of Brian’s long-serving colleagues have remarked that he “brought Security out of the dark ages”. He was instrumental in introducing new technology to the University to improve safety and security... However, his real achievement was the development of his staff and changing the culture of Security to ensure it became a ‘service’ to the University community, with greater emphasis on welfare. He developed his staff with regards to their skills and ensured that the services, which we still see today, are amongst the best of any Higher Education institution. The department is now used as an ‘exemplar model’ and is often visited by Security Managers from other institutions.

You can watch the ceremony here.