Prof Crick took an undergraduate degree in Computer Science between 2000-2004 before completing a computer science PhD at the University from 2004-2009.

He is now Professor of Computer Science and Public Policy at Cardiff Metropolitan University and Vice-President at BCS, the Chartered Institute of IT.

Professor James Davenport, who taught Prof Crick as an undergraduate and has since worked with him as chair of the Academy Board of BCS, said: “The short phrase ‘services to computer science and the promotion of computer science education’ covers a great deal of Tom’s service. He has done important work in several areas of computer science, focusing recently on the interaction between computer science, policy, and ‘the real world’. His work on reproducibility of research is important, as is his mining of useful information from social networks. But it is his work on the policy aspects of education, particularly school education, that is most visible. Whenever BCS or Computing At School ask ‘what is happening in Wales?’, we turn to Tom, and get a definitive answer. When we ask ‘what should we do to help with the Welsh challenges?’, we again turn to Tom, and always get a constructive answer.

“At the University of Bath, Tom has been an extremely productive external examiner for us: presenting different points of view and constructively making us think about the way we do things.”

Prof Crick said: "I am delighted to be receiving this honour and am particularly pleased to have been able to have an impact both in Wales and internationally. While there are clear economic imperatives for promoting high-quality computer science education for all, we are very clear about the wider educational and societal impact of having a digitally competent and capable citizenry.

"My research and policy activities with colleagues at Bath -- especially James Davenport -- have provided the foundation for this honour. I look forward to continuing my collaboration with the University in the future."