We are deeply sorry to hear the tragic news that Professor Rod Scott has died. The thoughts of our community, including colleagues and friends in the Department of Biology & Biochemistry, are with his family at this difficult time.
We know that Rod’s death will affect friends, colleagues and students and a range of support is available:
- If you are a member of staff, counselling support is available from the Staff Counselling Service.
- The Education Support Partnership is an independent counselling service. It is a charity that supports staff in education. They provide a 24/7 telephone and email helpline. You can contact them directly by phoning 08000 562561 or by emailing support@edsupport.org.uk.
- The Chaplaincy staff are happy to talk with anyone who has been affected, in total confidence. Please email chaplaincy@bath.ac.uk or Nigel Rawlinson. There is usually a chaplain available on week days, please see the timetable outside the chaplaincy office on campus.
- Externally, Cruse Bereavement Care offers free confidential support by telephone, email or face-to-face and The Samaritans have a phone line (telephone 116 123) which is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
- For our students, Wellbeing Support is available through drop in sessions, or by emailing studentservices@bath.ac.uk. Help is also available from The SU’s Advice and Support Centre.