The University of Bath is committed to tackling all forms of harassment, bullying, discrimination and sexual misconduct. We’re continuing work on our establish anti-harassment campaign and from this semester you will see a re-introduction of the previously used #NeverOK branding.

Why the change

We’ve listened to feedback and heard that:

  • #NeverOK resonates more widely with students and staff and is recognised nationally as a grassroots anti-harassment initiative 'Be The Change' is increasingly associated with climate action work
  • While #NeverOK began with a focus on sexual harassment, it allows for work to tackle all forms of harassment and is now used across the sector in this way
  • #NeverOK is an appropriate message for victim-survivors, witnesses and bystanders, and would-be and actual perpetrators of harassment and misconduct

Lots remains the same

  • The University’s commitment to tackling all forms of harassment, sexual misconduct, bullying and discrimination
  • The campaign is still for both student and staff benefit
  • The campaign aims to:

    • provide training to staff and students around recognising and tackling harassment
    • increase awareness of, and remove barriers to, ways of seeking support for and reporting harassment
  • You will still see Be The Change referred to, but only in relation to our bystander training module 'Be The Change: Active Bystander'. This training module will remain a key part of the overarching #NeverOK campaign

Stay up to date and involved

Our #NeverOK webpages are now live!

Please get in touch by emailing if you have webpages or resources that need updating with the #NeverOK logo and check for outdated references to the previous #BeTheChange campaign.

If you haven’t already, please complete the mandatory Be The Change: Active Bystander staff training module.

Please familiarise yourself with the University’s Support and Report Tool. Staff and students can use this to seek support and/or make a report should they experience or witness any form of harassment.