Professor Vaughan Hart, who studied at the University of Bath, before completing his PhD at the University of Cambridge, returned to Bath as a Lecturer in 1990. In the time since he has held numerous leadership roles within ACE, including Head of Department, and he has established an outstanding international reputation for his research and scholarship.
Prof Alex Wright, Head of the Architecture Group, summarised the feelings of many within the department: “Vaughan has made an incredible contribution to ACE and the University of Bath, in a career that has spanned more than half the life of the institution. We very much hope he’ll continue to contribute to our teaching and research, but his retirement does feel like the end of an era.
"Vaughan’s experience in the department, dating back the period of the Smithsons, Patrick Hodgkinson and Michael Brawne, is something impossible to replace. His retirement is a time when we should celebrate an exceptional career, but at the same time, for many of us, it feels a sad moment.”
The current restrictions on access to the campus will mean that a gathering of staff to wish Vaughan well will have to be delayed until we can meet in person. In the meantime on behalf of all the staff in ACE and all the generations of students that have been taught by Vaughan, we offer him our very best wishes for his retirement and hope he’ll continue to be part of the life of the department for many years to come.