‘Know before you go’ - September briefings
In addition to the updates below, we are hosting three online 30-minute briefings for staff to join; there will be a short presentation followed by a Q&A:
- 13 September, 2:00pm to 2:30pm
- 19 September, 3:30pm to 4:00pm
- 22 September, 10am to 10:30am
Book to attend and an invitation to the session will be emailed to you on 11 September.
Open House events
Student Support & Careers will both be inviting colleagues to some Open House events (with pastries). Dates are to be confirmed, but are coming soon.
An update from Student Support
A review of services has precipitated a change to the structure of the team, driven by the need to offer the most appropriate resource, matched to student requirements. We are retaining our specialised intervention teams and have reallocated resource to create a new Student Support Advice team.
Key changes:
- whenever you’re signposting students to Student Support, please direct them to our new email address studentsupport@bath.ac.uk (replacing wellbeing@bath.ac.uk). The phone number remains the same: 01225 383838 (x3838)
- we are continuing to encourage students to come and see us in person for advice and support. Changes to the Roper Student Support Centre on the main parade will enable more students to drop-in without a pre-booked appointment.
- students can drop-in to see us 7 days a week, from 9am to 5pm*
- if students prefer to use other channels or aren’t in Bath, they can phone, email or book a virtual appointment
- students can drop-in to see us 7 days a week, from 9am to 5pm*
- for students in mental health crisis or at risk of harm, we are introducing a new specialist Duty Service, based in the Roper Student Support Centre (daily, 9am-5pm)
- for anything urgent or out of hours, contact Security on 01225 383999
- for anything urgent or out of hours, contact Security on 01225 383999
- for staff advice, please continue to phone the 4321 Staff Advice Line, Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm, to reach a student support advisor (when closed, the phone automatically transfers to Security). You can also email us at our new email address for staff advice: 4321@bath.ac.uk.
*During vacation weekends the Roper Centre is closed for in-person drop-in, and we will respond to emails and phone calls, as well as offer virtual appointments
Key sites:
- our webpage
- social media, find us at @bathstusupport on the main social media channels
- encourage students to download the Be Well app; this is a great starting point for the new academic year
An update from Careers
We have re-structured aspects of the Careers Service, concentrating resource more efficiently to support our (growing) student population. Wider institutional initiatives to bring greater coherence to careers and employability activity, have further stimulated the need for a refined approach.
Key changes:
- move back to campus with a refreshed look and feel – you will find us on the parade by the Fresh shop. We have updated our name and are now simply, CAREERS (Discover.Focus.Act).
- from semester one we will be offering a daily drop-in (10-4) and a range of themed drop-in sessions (e.g. graduate selection processes; PG; LinkedIn). Please recommend and promote drop-in as the default service
- we will limit appointments to a) promote agency and b) manage resource
- we will continue to offer services for all students, whatever their needs/background
- we have created a new team of Student Employability Coaches to supplement our offering
- from semester one we will be offering a daily drop-in (10-4) and a range of themed drop-in sessions (e.g. graduate selection processes; PG; LinkedIn). Please recommend and promote drop-in as the default service
- change in focus and style, moving from careers advisors to careers consultants. Each Faculty/School will have a dedicated careers consultant. Ghislaine Dell will manage the team, alongside her new role as PGR strategic lead
- introducing a clear management structure, and de-coupling careers support for Research Staff, enabling the small service to (re)focus efforts on students (UG-PGR)
- much stronger commitment to data-driven and evidence-based approaches, capitalising on last year’s introduction of Careers Registration as well as granular analysis of Graduate Outcomes data
- extending reach through increased ‘one: many’, delivery underpinned by an enhanced version of the Abintegro careers platform (‘MyProfesionalDevelopment’), with sophisticated AI technology to support career development, CV writing and Interview practice.
Key sites:
- MyFuture (our main online hub)
- our webpage
- social media: Twitter (careers@bath), Insta (uniofbathcareers), and Facebook (bathunicareers)
- Careers blog: Careers Perspectives from the University of Bath Careers Service