A warm welcome to our students and alumni from over 60 countries to the anniversary conference of the International Centre for Higher Education Management, which is being held in 10 East (School of Management) on 19 and 20 June 2023. The theme this year is 'The Future of Higher Education: Competition, Collaboration and the Global Good'.

ICHEM supports research and leadership practice to strengthen the innovative capacity of higher education to contribute to the global good. ICHEM also houses the DBA in Higher Education Management, which constitutes the largest group of managers researching higher education worldwide.

The programme includes distinguished keynote speakers, including Arnoud De Meyer (Former President, Singapore Management University) on building excellence in higher education and the relationship between academics and university leaders, Rajani Naidoo (University of Bath, Vice President, UNESCO Chair and Co-Director, ICHEM) on the rise of AI and Implications for the future of Higher Education, Simon Marginson (University of Oxford, Director, Centre for Global Higher Education) on the globalisation of Science and Jose Manual Restrepo Abondano (Rector Universidad EIA, former Government Minister of Finance in Colombia and a DBA alumni) on how governments, universities and business can work together to tackle global challenges.

The conference was opened by the Vice-Chancellor, Professor Ian White and by the Dean of the School of Management, Professor Steve Brammer. Visit the event page for further details about the conference.