Our research is dedicated to addressing the challenges associated with autism and making positive changes that facilitate the autistic community’s full involvement in society. These research projects would be impossible without the help of our participants!
Some research projects involve completing surveys or doing tasks online, and so these studies are available to volunteers anywhere in the world. Other studies involve coming along to the Centre at the University of Bath.
We may also contact you with opportunities to become involved in various stages of research projects, such as:
- the design of studies
- ideas to help with research funding proposals
- the use of research in applied (real-world) settings
All of our studies are approved by the Psychology Research Ethics Committee, and are designed to protect your confidential information.
Who can register as a member of our database?
Anyone (adults and children), autistic OR non-autistic, in the UK and worldwide.
What happens if you volunteer?
If you wish to become a member of the CAAR database, we will ask you to provide some information about yourself in a short survey.
We will then contact you from time to time to tell you about projects which might be of interest to you. You are under no obligation to participate in all or even any of the projects.
Any information you provide is entirely confidential and will only be available to CAAR researchers. You can ask for your details to be removed from our database at any time.