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Join our study into links between motivation, attitude and improving your health and fitness

Help us research factors that influence positive health behaviours (such as exercise), and access health and leisure facilities to start your fitness journey.

Are you looking to improve your health and wellbeing in 2025? If so, you could do this while helping us research how factors like attitude and motivation levels influence people's choices about their health.

We’re keen to learn more about supporting individuals to turn positive intentions into actual behaviours that will benefit their health.

To help you on this journey, we can arrange free leisure membership for you in your local area (you can find more information about this on this page).

Take part in this research study

We are recruiting volunteers until 31 March 2025.


To take part in this study you must be:

  • at least 25 years old
  • able to access leisure facilities in Bath or Keynsham
  • able to understand and communicate in written English

You can not take part if you have an injury or health condition that currently prevents you from being able to exercise regularly.

What you’ll get for taking part

You can participate in this study, regardless of your regular level of physical activity. If you do not currently exercise or attend a leisure setting, you will have the chance to get a free leisure membership at the end of the survey. This is limited to facilities in Bath and Keynsham 1.

Your participation will also help our Centre for Motivation and Behaviour Change’s research.

What you’ll do

You’ll be required to complete our short survey, which will take around 15 to 20 minutes.

The survey will focus on your thoughts and feelings about exercise. It will cover topics like:

  • your confidence
  • how you view risks
  • your expectations
  • worries or feelings you have
  • general positive or negative emotions

Study deadline

We are recruiting participants until 31 March 2025. We may close applications before this date if we fill our quota of participants.

Your data

All data collected will be kept entirely confidential. It will be stored securely on the University of Bath's servers.

Only the research team and, if necessary, University governance staff will have access to the information you provide in the survey. Your name or any other identifying information will not be disclosed in any presentation or publication of the research.

Ethics approval

This project has been given a favourable ethics opinion by the University of Bath, Social Science Research Ethics Committee [reference: 6857-8087].

Take part in this research study

Find out more and complete our survey

Contact us

If you have any questions about this research study, please contact us.

  1. The facilities and equipment you can use will vary depending on the location. Terms and conditions may apply at individual sites. We cannot provide support or funding for travel to and from these facilities.