The title of this years' symposium is Tick tock: Unpacking temporal aspects of qualitative inquiry.
We invite you to share with us how time is incorporated into your qualitative research.
Symposium themes
Conceptualisations and interpretations of time
This theme focuses on how time is used as a conceptual framework for research.
Questions that may be useful for consideration:
- how is time conceptualised or interpreted within or imposed upon a project by its authors?
- how is time used to frame a specific phenomenon under investigation?
- what does a specific conceptual framing include or exclude?
Practical aspects of time
This theme focuses on how time is part of the methodological decisions that researchers make.
Questions that may be useful for consideration:
- what are the implications of timing in data collection or analysis?
- when is time up for gathering qualitative data?
- how does longitudinal research impact qualitative understanding?
- how is time related to quality, trustworthiness, and rigour?
Qualitative timelines
This theme considers time’s relevance for research participants, stakeholders, and researchers in qualitative research.
Questions that may be useful for consideration:
- what is the journey of a qualitative project and the researcher?
- how long does it take for qualitative researchers to develop?
- how do we use our time to prepare, carry out, and disseminate qualitative research?
- how does this vary within different methodologies (phenomenology, ethnography, narrative inquiry), orientations (constructionism, pragmatism, post-modern/structuralism), or disciplines?