Is depression associated with reduced optimistic belief updating?
Case study: open research practices
Exploring our research and other stories from the University community.
Case study: open research practices
Tactical advantages on the battlefield, weapons of mass destruction and immobilising a nation’s digital infrastructure: technology is pivotal to winning a war.
Having graduated with a Masters degree in Chemical Engineering in 2015, swimmer Andrew Willis is training towards his second Olympic Games.
Human Computer Interaction graduate Thomas Löhnert tells us why he enjoys working at the Science & Technology Facilities Council.
Meet Jess, one of our French & Politics students. Watch her YouTube channel and hear her talk about her experiences at university.
Meet Jessica, one of our Biochemistry students. Watch her YouTube channel and hear her talk about her experiences at university.
Meet Jhon, one of our Politics and International Relations students. Watch his YouTube channel and hear him talk about his experiences at university.
Find out more about Jo and the resources she has created.
Dr Steven Chapman works at the University in the role of Advancing Research Computing Manager. More on how his job is making a difference.
Yvonne Ascott is the Centre Manager for Bath's EPSRC CDT in Advanced Automotive Propulsion Systems (AAPS). More on how her job is making a difference.