UFTCOMP018: BSc (hons): Computer Science

Year 1, Semester 1

Mode of Attendance:
Full period in University (Undergraduate)
Mandatory Units
COMP0017Systems I: architecture & operating systems6Credits
COMP0134Programming 112Credits
COMP0136Software Engineering I6Credits
COMP0139Computation I: numbers & structures6Credits

Year 1, Semester 2
Mandatory Units
COMP0020Computation II: computability & decidability6Credits
COMP0135Programming II12Credits
COMP0137Software Engineering II6Credits
COMP0138Systems II: low-level programming & C6Credits

Year 2, Semester 1

Mode of Attendance:
Full period in University (Undergraduate)
Mandatory Units
COMP0019Computation III: introduction to formal logic & semantics6Credits
COMP0143User interface programming6Credits
COMP0144Applications I: mathematics for applications6Credits
COMP0145Applications II: databases6Credits
COMP0167Programming III: functional programming6Credits

Year 2, Semester 2
Mandatory Units
COMP0026Software project6Credits
COMP0028Computation IV: Algorithms6Credits
COMP0029Applications IV: compilers6Credits
COMP0168Programming IV: programming languages6Credits

Year 3, Semester 1

Mode of Attendance:
Full period in University (Undergraduate)
Students must take units totalling 30 (or 29) credits each semester. The year programme must include at least 5 units from the union of lists A1 and A2.
Mandatory Units
COMP0076Project preparation6Credits
Optional Units
Select between 3 and 4 units from the following list A1:
COMP0072 Safety-critical computer systems 6 Credits
COMP0073 Advanced algorithms & complexity 6 Credits
COMP0075 Advanced computer graphics 6 Credits
COMP0081 Hardware architecture & compilation 6 Credits
COMP0142 Music & digital signal processing 6 Credits
Select between 0 and 1 unit from the following list:
ESML0208 Chinese stage 3A (advanced beginners) (6 credits) 6 Credits
ESML0214 French stage 9A (further advanced) (6 credits) 6 Credits
ESML0220 French stage 6A (advanced intermediate) (6 credits) 6 Credits
ESML0226 German stage 3A (advanced beginners) (6 credits) 6 Credits
ESML0238 German stage 6A (advanced intermediate) (6 credits) 6 Credits
ESML0244 Italian stage 3A (advanced beginners) (6 credits) 6 Credits
ESML0262 Spanish stage 6A (advanced intermediate) (6 credits) 6 Credits
MANG0071 Organisational behaviour 5 Credits
XXXX0019 Any other units approved by the Director of Studies 6 Credits

Year 3, Semester 2
Mandatory Units
COMP0082Double module project12Credits
Optional Units
Select between 2 and 3 units from the following list A2:
COMP0069 Programming language implementation techniques 6 Credits
COMP0070 Computer algebra 6 Credits
COMP0071 Application of logic 6 Credits
COMP0078 Networking 6 Credits
COMP0080 Computer vision 6 Credits
COMP0141 Advanced human computer interaction 6 Credits
ELEC0047 Design & realisation of integrated circuits 6 Credits
Select between 0 and 1 unit from the following list:
ESML0209 Chinese stage 3B (6 credits) 6 Credits
ESML0215 French stage 9B (6 credits) 6 Credits
ESML0221 French stage 6B (6 credits) 6 Credits
ESML0227 German stage 3B (6 credits) 6 Credits
ESML0239 German stage 6B (6 credits) 6 Credits
ESML0245 Italian stage 3B (6 credits) 6 Credits
ESML0263 Spanish stage 6B (6 credits) 6 Credits
MANG0076 Business policy 5 Credits
XXXX0019 Any other units approved by the Director of Studies 6 Credits

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