UKTPSYC002: BSc (hons): Psychology with Sociology

Year 2, Semester 1

Mode of Attendance:
Full period in University (Undergraduate)
Mandatory Units
PSYC0005Psychology research project 13Credits
PSYC0008Cognitive psychology6Credits
PSYC0010Clinical psychology6Credits
PSYC0022Quantitative methods6Credits
PSYC0069Research methods & design6Credits
Optional Units
Select 1 unit from the following list:
ECOI0077 Introduction to international development 6 Credits
ESML0036 German written & spoken language 2A 6 Credits
ESML0089 Russian written & spoken language 2A 6 Credits
SOCP0004 Family matters: sociological & social policy approaches to family & friendship in contempory society 6 Credits
SOCP0006 Political values & social policy 6 Credits
SOCP0047 Sociology of work & industry 6 Credits
SOCP0049 The sociology of crime & deviance 6 Credits

Year 2, Semester 2
Mandatory Units
PSYC0006Psychology research project 23Credits
PSYC0007Developmental psychology6Credits
PSYC0009Social psychology6Credits
PSYC0025About science 2: discovery, dissemination & status of scientific knowledge6Credits
Optional Units
Select 1 unit from the following list:
ECOI0023 Social change and development 6 Credits
ESML0037 German written & spoken language 2B 6 Credits
ESML0092 Russian written & spoken language 2B 6 Credits
SOCP0003 'Race' & racism 6 Credits
SOCP0005 Politics and the policy process 6 Credits
SOCP0048 Understanding industrial behaviour 6 Credits
SOCP0050 Sociology of criminal justice policy 6 Credits
SOCP0112 Theoretical issues I: structure & agency 6 Credits

Year 3, Academic Year

Mode of Attendance:
Unpaid period of experience
Mandatory Units
PSYC0028Psychology placement60Credits

Year 4, Semester 1

Mode of Attendance:
Full period in University (Undergraduate)
A maximum of 2 units with a prefix other than PSYC can be chosen over the whole year
In exceptional circumstances a student can request permission from the Director of Studies to substitute up to two units, at the appropriate level, which are not listed as an approved option for the programme, in substitution for the non-psychology unit options offered in the final year.
Mandatory Units
PSYC0011Psychology dissertation 16Credits
Optional Units
Select between 2 and 4 units from the following list:
PSYC0014 History of psychology 6 Credits
PSYC0015 Economic & political psychology 6 Credits
PSYC0016 Health psychology 6 Credits
PSYC0019 Artificial minds: Minds, machines & persons 6 Credits
PSYC0026 Public knowledge 3a: history, philosophy & sociology of science 6 Credits
Select between 0 and 2 units from the following list:
ECOI0077 Introduction to international development 6 Credits
ESML0048 German written & spoken language 4A 6 Credits
ESML0095 Russian written & spoken language 4A 6 Credits
SOCP0004 Family matters: sociological & social policy approaches to family & friendship in contempory society 6 Credits
SOCP0006 Political values & social policy 6 Credits
SOCP0011 Health policies & politics 6 Credits
SOCP0047 Sociology of work & industry 6 Credits
SOCP0049 The sociology of crime & deviance 6 Credits
SOCP0052 Theoretical issues in sociology 6 Credits
SOCP0054 Power & commitment in organisations 6 Credits
XXXX0021 Director of studies approved unit 6 Credits

Year 4, Semester 2
Mandatory Units
PSYC0012Psychology dissertation 212Credits
Optional Units
Select between 1 and 3 units from the following list:
PSYC0013 Models of counselling & psychotherapy 6 Credits
PSYC0017 Controversies in cognition 6 Credits
PSYC0018 Mind & social being 6 Credits
PSYC0020 Artificial lives: Simulation, modelling & visualisation of complex systems 6 Credits
Select between 0 and 2 units from the following list:
ECOI0023 Social change and development 6 Credits
ESML0049 German written & spoken language 4B 6 Credits
ESML0096 Russian written & spoken language 4B 6 Credits
SOCP0003 'Race' & racism 6 Credits
SOCP0005 Politics and the policy process 6 Credits
SOCP0048 Understanding industrial behaviour 6 Credits
SOCP0050 Sociology of criminal justice policy 6 Credits
SOCP0055 Comparative industrial relations 6 Credits
SOCP0056 Environmental policy & the countryside 6 Credits
SOCP0084 The politics of the welfare state 6 Credits
SOCP0112 Theoretical issues I: structure & agency 6 Credits
XXXX0021 Director of studies approved unit 6 Credits

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