Academic Registry
Course & Unit Catalogues

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Postgraduate Course & Unit Catalogues 2023/24

Department of Life Sciences

Please note that information on courses in Clinical Pharmacy Practice and Prescribing and Therapeutics is currently being updated and these catalogues will be available shortly.

NB. Programmes marked with an asterisk (*) are not recruiting new students in 2023/24

Courses in Biotechnology

Doctoral courses

RSSL-AFM30 Integrated PhD Biotechnology (Healthcare Technologies) (Full-time)
RSSL-AFM31 Integrated PhD Biotechnology (Sustainable Biotechnologies) (Full-time)

MSc courses

TSSL-AFM30 MSc Biotechnology (Healthcare Technologies) (Full-time)
TSSL-AFM31 MSc Biotechnology (Sustainable Biotechnologies) (Full-time)
TSSL-AWM30 MSc Biotechnology (Healthcare Technologies) (Full-time incorporating placement)
TSSL-AWM31 MSc Biotechnology (Sustainable Biotechnologies) (Full-time incorporating placement)

Courses in Molecular Biosciences

Doctoral courses

RSSL-AFM07 Integrated PhD Molecular Biosciences (Bioinformatics) (Full-time)
RSSL-AFM09 Integrated PhD Molecular Biosciences (Medical Biosciences) (Full-time)
RSSL-AFM10 Integrated PhD Molecular Biosciences (Microbiology) (Full-time)

MSc courses

TSSL-AFM01 MSc Molecular Biosciences (Bioinformatics) (Full-time)
TSSL-AFM03 MSc Molecular Biosciences (Medical Biosciences) (Full-time)
TSSL-AFM04 MSc Molecular Biosciences (Microbiology) (Full-time)
TSSL-AWM01 MSc Molecular Biosciences (Bioinformatics) (Full-time incorporating placement)
TSSL-AWM03 MSc Molecular Biosciences (Medical Biosciences) (Full-time incorporating placement)
TSSL-AWM04 MSc Molecular Biosciences (Microbiology) (Full-time incorporating placement)

Courses in Drug Discovery

MSc courses

TSSL-AFM24 MSc Drug Discovery (Full-time)