SL12001 | Biochemistry | 10 Credits |
SL12002 | Cell biology | 10 Credits |
SL12003 | Genetics | 10 Credits |
SL12004 | Practical research skills in biochemistry and biomedical sciences | 10 Credits |
SL12005 | Core skills for bioscience | 10 Credits |
SL12006 | Practical research skills in biology | 10 Credits |
SL12007 | Biodiversity | 10 Credits |
SL12008 | Principles of ecology and evolution | 10 Credits |
SL12009 | Fundamentals of pharmacology: the chemistry of drugs | 15 Credits |
SL12010 | Fundamentals of pharmacology: health and disease | 15 Credits |
SL12011 | Fundamentals of pharmacology: the science of medicines | 10 Credits |
SL12013 | Research and scientific skills for pharmacology | 20 Credits |
SL12100 | Fundamentals of pharmacy: health and disease | 15 Credits |
SL12101 | Fundamentals of pharmacy: the chemistry of drugs | 15 Credits |
SL12102 | Fundamentals of pharmacy: the science of medicines | 15 Credits |
SL12103 | Preparing for professional practice 1 | 15 Credits |
SL12104 | Year 1 professional progression assessments | 0 Credits |
SL12122 | Fundamentals of pharmacology: health and disease for Natural Sciences | 10 Credits |
SL12123 | Fundamentals of pharmacology: health and disease for Natural Sciences | 20 Credits |
SL20003 | Cancer biology (BB20023) | 6 Credits |
SL20005 | Cell regulation and function: receptors to genes (PA20344) | 9 Credits |
SL20006 | Concepts in evolution (BB20040) | 6 Credits |
SL20008 | Drug discovery (PA20343) | 3 Credits |
SL20010 | Experimental pharmacology 1 (PA20346) | 12 Credits |
SL20014 | Genomics 1 (BB20219) | 6 Credits |
SL20016 | Human physiology in health and disease (BB20221) | 6 Credits |
SL20019 | Infection and immunity I: microbiology (BB20202) | 6 Credits |
SL20021 | Introduction to practical pharmacology for natural scientists (PA20291) | 3 Credits |
SL20024 | Molecular genetics of vertebrate development (BB20149) | 6 Credits |
SL20026 | Pathology (BB20258) | 6 Credits |
SL20028 | Pharmacology of the central nervous system (PA20023) | 6 Credits |
SL20031 | Plant physiology & biochemistry (BB20030) | 6 Credits |
SL20032 | Plant symbiosis & pathology (BB20032) | 6 Credits |
SL20036 | Protein structure (BB20020) | 6 Credits |
SL20041 | The dynamic cell 1 (BB20024) | 6 Credits |
SL22105 | Specialised integrated unit 1: immunity, inflammation and infection and gastrointestinal disease | 15 Credits |
SL22106 | Specialised integrated unit 2: cardiovascular disease and endocrine disorders | 10 Credits |
SL20001 | Behaviour & ecology (BB20173) | 6 Credits |
SL20002 | Biochemical problems & bioinformatics (BB20015) | 6 Credits |
SL20004 | Cardiovascular, renal and peripheral nervous system pharmacology (PA20016) | 6 Credits |
SL20007 | Data interpretation (BB20153) | 6 Credits |
SL20009 | Enzymology (BB20018) | 6 Credits |
SL20011 | Experimental pharmacology 2 (PA20347) | 12 Credits |
SL20012 | Experimental pharmacology for natural sciences (PA20348) | 6 Credits |
SL20013 | Field course (BB20226) | 6 Credits |
SL20015 | Genomics 2 (BB20220) | 6 Credits |
SL20017 | Infection and immunity (PA20345) | 9 Credits |
SL20018 | Infection and immunity for natural sciences students (PA20351) | 6 Credits |
SL20020 | Infection and immunity II: immunology (BB20027) | 6 Credits |
SL20022 | Medical microbiology (BB20224) | 6 Credits |
SL20023 | Molecular and cellular neuroscience (BB20028) | 6 Credits |
SL20025 | Molecular medicine (BB20222) | 6 Credits |
SL20027 | Pharmacokinetics (PA20294) | 3 Credits |
SL20030 | Plant biotechnology (BB20031) | 6 Credits |
SL20033 | Practical molecular biology (BB20025) | 6 Credits |
SL20042 | The dynamic cell 2 (BB20160) | 6 Credits |
SL22107 | Specialised integrated unit 3: management of respiratory diseases and dermatology | 10 Credits |
SL22108 | Specialised integrated unit 4: special patient groups and surgery | 10 Credits |
SL30045 | Advanced topics, trends and technologies in pharmacology (PA30251) | 6 Credits |
SL30046 | Biological ethics (BB30123) | 6 Credits |
SL30047 | Biomedical sciences dissertation (BB30227) | 18 Credits |
SL30051 | Cell membranes (BB30045) | 6 Credits |
SL30057 | Dissertation in Pharmacology (PA30127) | 6 Credits |
SL30061 | Evolutionary quantitative genetics (BB30208) | 6 Credits |
SL30062 | Final year project A (BB30042) | 18 Credits |
SL30063 | Final year project C (BB30233) | 30 Credits |
SL30065 | Genetic basis of inherited diseases (BB30229) | 6 Credits |
SL30066 | Human genomics (BB30231) | 6 Credits |
SL30069 | Molecular & medical neuroscience (BB30044) | 6 Credits |
SL30070 | Molecular applications in pharmacology (PA30142) | 6 Credits |
SL30075 | Protein synthesis, folding and turnover (BB30162) | 6 Credits |
SL30076 | Recent advances in drug discovery (PA30214) | 6 Credits |
SL30078 | Research project in Pharmacology (laboratory) (BSc) (PA30055) | 12 Credits |
SL30079 | Research project in pharmacology (non-laboratory) (BSc) (PA30349) | 12 Credits |
SL30080 | Sensory and signalling networks in plants (BB30129) | 6 Credits |
SL32112 | Specialised integrated unit 5: neurology and mental health | 10 Credits |
SL30044 | Advanced developmental genetics (BB30067) | 6 Credits |
SL30047 | Biomedical sciences dissertation (BB30227) | 18 Credits |
SL30048 | Biotechnology: art and science (PA30299) | 6 Credits |
SL30049 | Cancer therapeutics (BB30230) | 6 Credits |
SL30050 | Cardiovascular pharmacology (PA30150) | 6 Credits |
SL30052 | Central nervous system pharmacology (PA30148) | 6 Credits |
SL30053 | Communicative skills in pharmacology (BSc) (PA30234) | 6 Credits |
SL30054 | Concepts in systems biology (BB30169) | 6 Credits |
SL30055 | Conservation biology (BB30156) | 6 Credits |
SL30056 | Developmental neurobiology (BB30161) | 6 Credits |
SL30058 | Drug targets in the immune system (PA30168) | 6 Credits |
SL30059 | Engaging the public with drug discovery research (PA30350) | 6 Credits |
SL30060 | Evolution in deep time (BB30131) | 6 Credits |
SL30062 | Final year project A (BB30042) | 18 Credits |
SL30063 | Final year project C (BB30233) | 30 Credits |
SL30067 | Landmarks in Pharmacology (PA30128) | 6 Credits |
SL30072 | Pharmacology of regenerative medicine (PA30252) | 6 Credits |
SL30081 | Sexual conflict (BB30132) | 6 Credits |
SL30085 | Stem cell biology and regenerative medicine (BB30232) | 6 Credits |
SL30086 | The molecular biology and treatment of cancer (PA30157) | 6 Credits |
SL30087 | Trends in molecular signalling (PA30169) | 6 Credits |
SL30088 | Vaccines and other health interventions (BB30063) | 6 Credits |
SL32113 | Specialised integrated unit 6: oncology and palliative care | 10 Credits |
SL40091 | Advances in biosciences (BB40260) | 12 Credits |
SL40107 | Masters research project (BB40261) | 48 Credits |
SL40134 | Year 4 professional progression assessments (PA40335) | 0 Credits |
SL50166 | Advances in bioinformatics (BB50247) | 20 Credits |
SL50167 | Advances in molecular biotechnology (BB50246) | 20 Credits |
SL50168 | Advances in molecular medicine (BB50245) | 20 Credits |
SL50169 | Advances in molecular microbiology (BB50244) | 20 Credits |
SL50170 | Broadening horizons (BB50240) | 10 Credits |
SL50171 | Cancer genetics and therapy (BB50248) | 15 Credits |
SL50174 | Infectious diseases (BB50252) | 15 Credits |
SL50182 | Molecular phylogenetics and epidemiology (BB50253) | 15 Credits |
SL50187 | Research project 1A (BB50241) | 15 Credits |
SL50188 | Research project 1B (BB50242) | 15 Credits |
SL50189 | Research project 2 (BB50243) | 30 Credits |
SL50200 | Beer and biofuels | 15 Credits |
SL50201 | Bioprocess and water engineering | 15 Credits |
SL50202 | Biosensors | 15 Credits |
SL50203 | Food security and the Environment | 15 Credits |
SL50204 | Techniques for drug discovery | 15 Credits |
SL50205 | Tissue engineering | 15 Credits |
XX50225 | Techniques for drug discovery | 18 Credits |
XX50226 | Preparation for research project | 12 Credits |
XX50227 | Physiology, pathology and pharmacology | 18 Credits |
XX50228 | Organic, medicinal and pharmaceutical chemistry | 18 Credits |
SL40090 | Advanced topics, trends and technologies in pharmacology (PA40251) | 6 Credits |
SL40094 | Cell biology of metastasis (BB40184) | 6 Credits |
SL40101 | Entrepreneurial biotechnology (BB40078) | 6 Credits |
SL40102 | Enzymes in biotechnology & medicine (BB40083) | 6 Credits |
SL40104 | Frontiers of neuroscience (BB40082) | 6 Credits |
SL40106 | Human developmental disorders (BB40124) | 6 Credits |
SL40112 | Molecular applications in pharmacology (PA40142) | 6 Credits |
SL40114 | Molecular mechanisms of disease (BB40102) | 6 Credits |
SL40115 | Molecular phylogenetics (BB40134) | 6 Credits |
SL40117 | Overseas pharmacy research project (PA40332) | 24 Credits |
SL40118 | Pathogenesis and immune evasion by microbes (BB40139) | 6 Credits |
SL40119 | Pharmacology dissertation for MSci students (PA40288) | 6 Credits |
SL40121 | Pharmacy management simulation (PA40330) | 6 Credits |
SL40122 | Pharmacy research project (PA40331) | 24 Credits |
SL40125 | Recent advances in drug discovery (PA40214) | 6 Credits |
SL40126 | Research project (MSci) (BB40130) | 18 Credits |
SL40127 | Research project in Pharmacology (M) (PA40130) | 12 Credits |
SL40131 | The evolution of genetic systems (BB40128) | 6 Credits |
SL40092 | Biotechnology: art and science (PA40299) | 6 Credits |
SL40093 | Cardiovascular pharmacology (PA40159) | 6 Credits |
SL40095 | Central nervous system pharmacology (PA40160) | 6 Credits |
SL40096 | Communicative skills in pharmacology (PA40234) | 6 Credits |
SL40097 | Conservation biology (BB40195) | 6 Credits |
SL40098 | Current topics in gene regulation and cell differentiation (BB40118) | 6 Credits |
SL40099 | Drug targets in the immune system (PA40162) | 6 Credits |
SL40100 | Engaging the public with drug discovery research (PA40350) | 6 Credits |
SL40103 | Enzymes: mechanisms, evolution and control in integrated biological systems (BB40048) | 6 Credits |
SL40105 | Global health & management (PA40334) | 6 Credits |
SL40108 | Medical biochemistry (BB40085) | 6 Credits |
SL40109 | Medicines optimisation and prescribing in complex patients 2 (PA40333) | 24 Credits |
SL40110 | Microbial evolution - from the laboratory to nature (BB40117) | 6 Credits |
SL40111 | Modern methods of researching neurodegeneration (BB40164) | 6 Credits |
SL40113 | Molecular immunology (BB40086) | 6 Credits |
SL40120 | Pharmacology of regenerative medicine (PA40252) | 6 Credits |
SL40123 | Plant biotechnology & the environment (BB40140) | 6 Credits |
SL40124 | Plant responses to abiotic stress (BB40133) | 6 Credits |
SL40126 | Research project (MSci) (BB40130) | 18 Credits |
SL40128 | Research topics in natural products (PA40155) | 6 Credits |
SL40129 | Sexual conflict (BB40193) | 6 Credits |
SL40130 | Structural biology in biotechnology & medicine (BB40109) | 6 Credits |
SL40132 | The molecular biology and treatment of cancer (PA40157) | 6 Credits |
SL40133 | Trends in molecular signalling (PA40163) | 6 Credits |
XX50229 | Synthesis of medicinal compounds | 6 Credits |