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Department of Psychology research groups and labs

Our research staff belong to research groups and labs. Their work covers topics within the areas of health and wellbeing, sustainability, digital, and social.


Health and wellbeing

Addiction and Mental Health Research Group

We aim to reduce the impact of addiction and mental ill-health on individuals and communities. Our research informs the public, policy and clinical practice.

Bath Babylab

We explore how infants and young children see and interact with the world around them. We're interested in the factors that impact their development.

Child Mental Health and Development Research Group

We examine key questions relating to mental health, wellbeing and development in children and young people, including a focus on intervention research.

Crossmodal Cognition Lab

We are interested in how we use our brains to perceive the world around us. Our focus is multisensory perception and cognition.

Identities, Communities and Wellbeing Research Group

We research contemporary societal issues that affect the wellbeing of individuals and communities.

Neuroimaging and Brain Stimulation Research Group (Neurostim)

We are a group of researchers actively engaged in brain imaging and brain stimulation methods.


Digital Lives Research Group

We investigate how and why people and groups interact with digital technology and the psychological impact it has on their lives.

Human Computer Interaction (the CREATE Lab)

We conduct research into the design and evaluation of mobile and ubiquitous technologies.

REal and Virtual Environments Augmentation Labs (REVEAL)

We are an interdisciplinary lab researching virtual and augmented reality technology.


Environment, Transport, and Sustainability (EnTS) Research Group

We research the role of human behaviour in responding to the climate crisis, and reshaping our physical and social environments for a sustainable future.


Social and Cultural Cognition Research Group

Our research covers various areas in social psychology to understand social and cultural cognition and its underpinnings at both individual and societal levels.

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